Podcasting – yeah I do it, and sometimes I do it with others. As aforementioned on the last episode of the podcast, I did a project with both CJ Hitchcock and Colton. And you need to listen to it.

First, I want to give a warm welcome to Hitch for making it back to podcast land with his return titled: Hitch Explains it All. He is even more kind than I and included a Youtube version of his show. However if you would like to download it, you can do so here. It’s worth the listen. I look forward to seeing his return to full video with AMR.

The other project I was involved in was a return appearance to Colton’s Gintama Life Lessons podcast. You may recall I featured the prior episode in the feed as a bonus episode. It was awesome, wasn’t it? Well, this one is too. You can download that here.

So shouted Gintoki in his heart

And now the what you’ve been waiting to hear about… actually one more thing. Make sure you’re taking the fall anime survey. I want to try and track what episodes make or break a show’s viewership, episode by episode. So make sure you’re spreading the word, sharing with your friends and all around. You can take the survey here.

Cashman Senpai Coast to Coast

Oh yeah, and I’m giving away some JoJo’s. I have been thinking long and hard of how I would podcast about JoJo’s, and I came to the conclusion that we are to have a read-along. But not just any read-along, one where you can win prizes, including the entire first part of the manga, Phantom Blood. I’m serious. The first three volumes, a story contained within itself, all yours, on me. You can read more about that here. Enjoy.


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